Call For Paper

As a peer reviewed and refereed journal, The Asian Journal of Technology and Management Research (AJTMR) invites authors to submit their original or unpublished, experimental, theoretical research in all subject areas of Technology e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Data Base Management System, Algorithms, Network Security, System and Information Security etc. and in Management, Business research, Marketing, MIS, HRM, Business Studies, Operations Management, Business Accounting, Economics, E-Business/E-Commerce, and related subjects. AJTMR is intended to be an outlet for theoretical and empirical research contributions for scholars and practitioners in the business field.

AJTMR establishes an effective communication channel among the academic and research institutions to recognize the implementation of important role effective systems in organizations. AJTMR aims to be an outlet for creative, innovative concepts, as well as effective research methodologies and emerging technologies for effective business management.

All the submitted papers are first reviewed at the editorial board level and assessed on the basis of their technical suitability for the journal, scope of work, and plagiarism. If selected by the editorial board, the paper shall be subjected to a fair and unbiased double-blind peer review by at least two referees on the basis of its originality, novelty, clarity, completeness, relevance, significance, and research contribution. Please refer to Authors Guidelines for details of the reviewing process and to submit your papers.

Article/Paper Acceptance Requirements 

  • The article is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in AJTMR Template. 
  • The article should be original writing that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area. Original review articles and surveys are acceptable, even if new data/concepts are not presented.
  • The manuscript file contains all essential sections (the order can vary): Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Related work, Methodology, Results, Discussion, References, Figure Captions, Tables.
  • Results reported have not been submitted or published elsewhere ((although expanded versions of conference publications are eligible for submission). 
  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a high standard and are described in sufficient detail. 
  • Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.
  • Figure/Image should be showing clearly and clearly mention figure name and numbers in increasing order.
  • Equation/Formula should be in Math’s equation Software or word equation. 
  • Please do not give a scanned copy of the equation/formula. 
  • The tables should be in MS Word. Please do not give a scanned copy of the tables. 
  • Appropriate references to related prior published works must be included in AJTMR Standard.
  • All the references should be mentioned inside the paragraph in AJTMR/IEEE format. References must be serially numbered and should be arranged in increasing order of number quoted in the text. References must be quoted in the text as numerals at the end of the sentence, before full stop, with bracket e.g. .......solution [1]. It is an international journal [2],[3],[4],[5],[6]. ………, [N] that is increasing order. You have started references form [9],[1],[2],[3],[4],[7],[4],[5],[6] this is not correct. 
  • Websites URL and invalid/incomplete references/citations replaced by the references of Journal or remove from reference section.
  • For more information Click here

For any information, Please contact Editorial support Team at

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