Publication Policies
AJTMR is very clear with the publication policies and ethics related to publishing.
Peer Review Policy
Peer review is vital to the quality of published research. While each journal title may be subject to a specific peer review process, there are general AJTMR peer review guidelines.
Each article submitted to AJTMR is evaluated by at least two independent reviewers selected by a member of the editorial/reviewer board.
Copyright Policy
All papers in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
even commercially as long as the original work is properly cited.
Authors retain copyright of their work. Once material has been accepted for publication, authors are asked to sign an author agreement form verifying that they have the right to publish
the material and that they grant permission to AJTMR to publish their work online. In addition:
- Authors retain the right to publish extended versions of their material elsewhere, provided the original publication is acknowledged.
- Authors retain the right to publish their work in on-line repositories, internal technical reports, etc.
- AJTMR does not pay honoraria to authors.
- AJTMR has the right to edit the material to meet the publication standards.
Repository Policy
Three versions of the Contribution are referenced in these guidelines:
- Original Submission: the version submitted by the author before peer review
- Accepted Manuscript: version updated to include the author’s revisions after peer review, prior to any typesetting for the journal. This is often the version accepted by the editor
- Final Published PDF: copy-edited and typeset Publisher’s PDF, the same version published on the journal’s website
You may share the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript at any time after your paper is accepted and in any format. Your sharing of the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript may include posting a downloadable copy on any website, saving a copy in any repository or network, sharing a copy through any social media channel, and distributing print or electronic copies.
You may use the Final Published PDF (or Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript, if preferred) in the following ways:
- in relation to your own teaching
- to share on an individual basis with research colleagues
- in your dissertation or thesis, including where the dissertation or thesis will be posted in any electronic Institutional Repository or database
- in a book authored or edited by you, at any time after the Contribution’s publication in the journal
AJTMR recommend that the published source must be cited when the Final Published version is used or shared.
Retraction Policy
When plagiarism has been found to have occurred, Asian Journal of Technology & Management Research (AJTMR) will take the actions as determined by the type of plagiarism.
Unless determined otherwise during the investigation, all authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for the content of a plagiarizing paper.
AJTMR Editorial Board places the investigation of each claim of plagiarism at the highest priority for resolution and action.
Open Access Policy
This publication is fully open access. The two licensing agreements available are the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) and the Creative Commons Attribution,
NonCommercial, No Derivatives License (CCBY-NC-ND). Both licenses permit the author to retain copyright to the article and permit readers to distribute, reuse, modify,
and build upon the work as long as proper attribution to the original article is provided. Under the CCBY-NC-ND license, the work may not be changed in any way,
nor may it be reused for commercial purposes.